Last updated: 2023-08-08

Welcome to delishfusionfood.com (“Company”, “we”, “our”, “us”)!

These Terms of Service govern your use of our website located at delishfusionfood.com (together or individually “Service”) operated by delishfusionfood.com.

Our Privacy Policy also governs your use of our Service and explains how we collect, safeguard, and disclose information that results from your use of our web pages.

Your agreement with us includes these Terms and our Privacy Policy (“Agreements”). You acknowledge that you have read and understood Agreements, and agree to be bound by them.

If you do not agree with (or cannot comply with) Agreements, then you may not use the Service, but please let us know by emailing at [email protected] so we can try to find a solution. These Terms apply to all visitors, users, and others who wish to access or use the Service.

By using our Service, you agree to subscribe to newsletters, marketing or promotional materials and other information we may send. However, you may opt out of receiving any, or all, of these communications from us by following the unsubscribe link or by emailing at [email protected].

Our Service allows you to access, link, share, and otherwise make available various information, text, graphics, videos, or other material related to food (“Content”). You are responsible for the Content you access and share through the Service, including its legality, reliability, and appropriateness.

By accessing and sharing Content through the Service, you represent and warrant that: (i) the Content is either yours or you have the right to access and share it, and (ii) accessing and sharing the Content through the Service does not violate any rights of any person or entity. We reserve the right to remove any Content that violates copyright laws.

You retain your rights to any Content you access and share through the Service. However, by using the Service, you grant us the right and license to use, modify, publicly perform, publicly display, reproduce, and distribute such Content through the Service. This license includes the right to make your Content available to other users of the Service, who may also use your Content subject to these Terms.

Prohibited Uses
You may use the Service only for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Terms. You agree not to use the Service:

  • In any way that violates any applicable law or regulation.
  • To transmit spam, or any other similar solicitation.
  • To impersonate any entity or person.
  • In connection with any unlawful, illegal, or harmful purpose or activity.
  • To engage in any conduct that restricts or inhibits anyone’s use or enjoyment of the Service.

Additionally, you agree not to:

  • Use the Service in any manner that could damage or impair the Service.
  • Use any automated tools to access the Service without our consent.
  • Introduce any harmful material or engage in any unauthorized access or disruption of the Service.

Intellectual Property
The Service and its original content (excluding Content provided by users) are the exclusive property of delishfusionfood.com and its licensors. The Service is protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws. Our trademarks may not be used without our prior written consent.

Copyright Policy
We respect intellectual property rights. If you believe that Content on the Service infringes your copyright, please submit a detailed claim via email to [email protected] with the subject line: “Copyright Infringement.”

Limitation of Liability
We are not liable for any damage or loss caused by your use of the Service. We do not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or availability of the Service. We disclaim all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied.

We may terminate or suspend your account and access to the Service at our sole discretion, for any reason.

Changes to Service and Terms
We reserve the right to withdraw or amend the Service and these Terms without notice. Your continued use of the Service after changes to the Terms implies your acceptance of the revised terms.

Contact Us
For feedback, comments, and support, please contact us at [email protected].