Kidney Bean Substitutes_ Delicious Alternatives

Kidney Bean Substitutes: Delicious Alternatives for Every Recipe

Kidney beans are a beloved staple in many kitchens. They bring a rich, velvety texture and heartiness to dishes, from spicy chilis to refreshing salads. But sometimes, you might need a change – whether you are out of kidney beans, want to try something new, or are just looking to switch up your diet. Luckily, plenty of legumes can stand in for kidney beans and keep your meals just as tasty.

What are Kidney Beans?

Kidney beans are red or dark-brown legumes that are packed with plant-based protein. They get their name because their shape is similar to a human kidney. Beyond protein, these beans are rich in fiber, vitamins, and essential minerals.

They fit into many different dishes – think hearty chilis, flavorful curries, soups, salads, and even sweet recipes. You can also blend or mash them into dips like hummus, adding a creamy and nutritious twist to your meals.

Top Kidney Bean Substitutes

1. Chickpeas (Garbanzo Beans)

Chickpeas, often called garbanzo beans, are a versatile and tasty replacement for kidney beans. Their firm, buttery texture, and nutty flavor make them a go-to in many recipes, from Middle Eastern hummus to Indian chana masala.

Chickpeas (Garbanzo Beans) - Kidney Bean Substitutes

If you’re using chickpeas instead of kidney beans, just match the quantities. Dried chickpeas might need more cooking time compared to canned ones.

2. Cannellini Beans

Cannellini beans, also known as white kidney beans, have a smooth texture and a mild taste that works well with many spices and ingredients. They can easily replace kidney beans in most recipes.

Whether you use canned or dried cannellini beans, they’re easy to prepare. Rinse canned beans to remove excess salt or preservatives, or soak dried beans overnight to speed up cooking.

3. Red Beans

Though often confused with kidney beans, red beans are a bit different. They’re smaller and have an oval shape, but their soft texture and earthy taste make them a perfect stand-in for kidney beans. They’ll blend seamlessly into most dishes, with their similar flavor and appearance making it hard to spot the difference.

4. Pinto Beans

Pinto beans offer a mild, nutty flavor and creamy texture, making them an excellent choice for soups, chilis, and refried beans. They are often found in Southwestern and Tex-Mex dishes, and they bring a unique depth of flavor that rivals kidney beans.

Rich in protein, fiber, and iron, pinto beans are highly nutritious, making them a great option for vegetarians and vegans looking for a protein boost. Swap them one-to-one with kidney beans in your recipes.

5. Black Beans

Black beans are a popular ingredient in Latin American cuisine and are often used in soups, chilis, and vegetarian burgers. While they have a firmer texture and slightly sweeter taste than kidney beans, their rich, meaty flavor makes them a great substitute in many recipes.

You can substitute black beans for kidney beans in equal amounts, knowing they’ll still deliver that hearty, satisfying bite.

6. Navy Beans

Navy beans are small, white beans that have a mild sweetness and creamy texture when cooked. They work wonderfully in soups, stews, and salads. Rich in protein, fiber, and minerals like iron and magnesium, navy beans are a nutritious substitute for kidney beans.

Keep an eye on these smaller beans while cooking, as they may cook faster than kidney beans.

7. Lima Beans

Lima beans are larger and white, with a smooth, buttery texture and mildly sweet flavor. They’re often found in soups, stews, and chilis. High in protein, fiber, and essential minerals, lima beans are an excellent alternative to kidney beans.

For a burst of flavor, try cooking lima beans with garlic, onions, and peppers. Whether dried or canned, they’re easy to prepare and will add richness to your dishes.

8. White Beans

White beans are another great alternative, boasting a similar texture, flavor, and nutrition to kidney beans. They are creamy when cooked and work well in soups, stews, casseroles, salads, and dips.

With a slightly nutty taste and high fiber content, white beans are a healthy substitute that can keep you full and satisfied without the extra calories.

9. Adzuki Beans

Adzuki beans, popular in Asian cuisine, have a naturally sweet flavor that makes them perfect for savory and sweet dishes. You can use them as a direct substitute for kidney beans, or try them in baked goods like brownies or traditional mochi cakes.

10. Borlotti Beans

Borlotti beans, also called cranberry beans, offer a creamy texture and slightly nutty flavor that works in hot and cold dishes. They’re particularly good at absorbing flavors, making them a tasty and filling option for soups, stews, and salads.

Borlotti Beans

To cut down on cooking time, soak dried borlotti beans overnight before simmering them to tenderness.

Non-Bean Substitutes

1. Red Lentils

If you want to boost the protein content of your dish but don’t need the texture of kidney beans, red lentils are a solid choice. They’re smaller and cook faster, making them ideal for soups and stews where size isn’t critical.

2. Green Peas

Though they don’t look like kidney beans, green peas offer a similar light sweetness and protein content. Use them in hot or cold dishes, from salads to soups, by substituting them one-to-one with kidney beans.

3. Walnuts

For a healthy twist on your chili or stew, try using walnuts! Soak them for a few hours to soften, then crush them into your recipe for a satisfying crunch and a boost of omega-3s.

4. Sweet Corn

Corn brings a touch of sweetness to your dishes and can be a fun alternative to kidney beans. Though it’s lower in protein, corn works well in salads, soups, and side dishes when swapped one-for-one by volume.

See Also – Best Navy Bean Substitute – Handy for Your Kitchen

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What’s the Easiest Substitute for Kidney Beans?

Black beans are easy to find in most grocery stores and make an excellent substitute for kidney beans in many dishes.

2. How Many Calories Are in Kidney Beans?

One cup of cooked kidney beans contains about 225 calories, 15 grams of protein, and 13 grams of fiber.

3. What’s the Best Replacement for Kidney Beans in Chili?

Black beans and pinto beans are excellent substitutes for kidney beans in chili recipes.

4. Can I Use Canned Beans Instead of Kidney Beans?

Yes, canned beans like black beans or chickpeas are great alternatives to kidney beans. Just be sure to rinse them before adding them to your recipe.

5. Are Kidney Bean Substitutes Vegan?

Yes, all the bean substitutes mentioned are vegan-friendly since they are plant-based legumes.



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